Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
Op-ed: Demographic threat hyped up, Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria unnecessary Moshe Dann Opponents of Israel’s legal and historical rights to Judea and Samaria raise a powerful and persuasive argument: Israel faces a “demographic crisis;” the Arab population between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River will soon outnumber that of the Jews, and the […]
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Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
by Ruth King On Nov. 1, The Jerusalem Post reported that the U.S., in an effort to move negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority forward, has proposed that Israel lease parts of the Jordan Valley—which Israel sees as vital to its defense—from the PA for a period of seven years. Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly […]
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Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
by Prof. Phyllis Chesler (Israelnationalnews.com) The global propaganda war against Israel is the size of an avalanche. Unchecked, it continues to gain both acceleration and mass and is, if anything, as dangerous as any suicide killer or rocket attack. Earlier this month, in the midst of a perfectly pleasant conversation, a (now former) friend unexpectedly […]
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Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
By: Steven Plaut HAIFA – Bulgarian firefighters have agreed to let me tag along with them as they make their way up the gullies in the Carmel Forest, seeking out flames still burning uncontrolled. I walk with Mikhail, probably the only Bulgarian firefighter on earth who speaks Hebrew. He is also a medic, and had […]
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Monday, December 13th, 2010
by Gil Ronen (Israelnationalnews.com) The Palestinian Authority is building a neighborhood for freed terrorists and their families in Hevron, next to the Cave of Patriarchs. The construction is going on in an area that is under full Israeli control, yet Israeli authorities are doing nothing to halt the project, according to a spokesman for the […]
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Monday, December 13th, 2010
By: Jason Maoz, Senior Editor Over the years, two Jewish journalists – Thomas Friedman and Mike Wallace – have been the subject of particularly intense vituperation in the letters and e-mails received by the Monitor, and both gentlemen have been scrutinized here on several occasions. One of the most popular columns, in terms of reader […]
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Monday, December 13th, 2010
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Monday, December 13th, 2010
by Gil Ronen (Israelnationalnews.com) IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi, had warm words Sunday for the ‘Hesder’ yeshiva soldiers, whose mandatory service in the army is combined with periods of yeshiva study and therefore is a five year commitment rather than the regular three year one, although their active service during this period […]
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Sunday, December 12th, 2010
by Tevi Troy Mishpacha http://www.tevitroy.org/8341/jewish-winners-losers-2010-election The 2010 election was a win for the Republicans, but it was also a win for the minority of Jews who vote Republican. Republican Jews put up a strong showing on Election Day, raising hopes that the Jewish vote, while still largely Democratic, will not be seen as monolithic as […]
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Sunday, December 12th, 2010
By: Caroline B. Glick Imagine if 100 million Americans participated in the Tea Party movement. And then imagine that the movement had no impact on American politics. Finally imagine that in the wake of the Tea Party movement, Republicans embraced President Obama’s positions on spending and taxation. These scenarios are of course, unimaginable. Anywhere from […]
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